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"Vision is the gift of seeing clearly what may be. Vision expands our horizons. The more we see, the more we can achieve; the grander our vision, the more glorious our accomplishments."
- Author unknown

To institutionalize new learning and overcome non-productive patterns, ECO offers coaching services for executive, team, personal and organizational needs. It’s not enough to want to be successful. It takes purposeful action to create what you want. Coaching assists you in understanding and learning how to live with the various interconnections of your life. It helps with creating sustainable organizations to work in and healthy communities to live in. Coaching is also an ideal vehicle for addressing issues in the workplace. ECO’s certified coaches create a safe environment for exploration and growth as they assist you in gaining clarity, fulfillment and freedom. They offer support to coaching clients as they re-discover themselves, brainstorm new ideas, and overcome obstacles, bringing greater enjoyment and satisfaction to their professional and personal lives.

Business Strategies  Executive Coaching  Clarifying Vision, Mission and Values  Enhancing Personal Performance  Life And Career Transitions  Leadership  Teambuilding  Accessing Intuition  Verbal And Nonverbal Communications  Interpersonal Skills  Trusted Strategic Advising

This book provides strategies for personal and executive coaches on how to build a practice. But it also contains some valuable information on how to look at your personal life and business in a different way. Sandra Davis, ECO Managing Partner and Coaching lead wrote a chapter on the Gifts of Silence that provides valuable tips about how to listen to and learn from your life. (Click on Book above to purchase)

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